aeronewstv, the world’s leading aeronautical web TV, broadcasts short video reports in French and English every day.
This free and innovative news media is present in France and around the world through its website, newsletter, and mobile and tablet applications.
aeronewstv is a media partner for several trade shows around the world.
Launched in June 2011, the website is made up of 24 channels across five themes: Aeronautical industry, Air transport, Jobs, Lifestyle, Events
Our audience
This BTOBTOC media has a strong CSP+ audience, 79% male with a very loyal readership. More than 55% of Internet users return every day.
The very good bounce rate stands at 40% on average with an average daily presence time per Internet user of 3’30. That is 1h35 per month.
Our strengths
- Video content
- An international audience
A must for effective and targeted communication.
Our formats
aeronewstv provides you with different types of advertising formats attached to the video or more classically in the form of banners.
We can also offer a very large number of more atypical formats on simple request.
Contact us
By e-mail: [email protected]
By phone: 05 61 49 47 25
Top 10 audiences by country *
French version: France, Belgium, United States, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia
English version: United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Singapore, Canada, India, Belgium, Romania, Brazil, Spain